My knowledge on REST is limited at this stage.
Q: What exactly is a web service. ?
A: A web service is a service provided by an application , such that it can be used by applications(internal , external) with minimal coupling. An example could be rss feeds.
Where in a newspaper provides all its article in the RSS format , for other websites to include in their web apps.
Q: When should a functionality be exposed as a webservice ?
A: When a functionality could be useful to other applications , and the functionality needs to be available out of the box (language independent , platform independent) . With the only constraint being XML as a medium of communication.
Q: What ways can a webservice be consumed ?
A: Interestingly this depends , on how the service provider expects the request to be.
- RPC - tight coupling exists , message broker , stub , binding , registration, lookup etc are terms often used when we speak about RPC , similar to Java RPC/CORBA. More Service Oriented.
- SOAP - Communication based on XML written in specific formats as defined is service XSD's and invoke services as defined in the WSDL. Message Oriented.
- REST - Communication based on XML over Http but using specific set of functions like GET , POST etc.
Q:What exactly is the wsdl used for in a webservice ?
A: It basically is a document to describe which functionalities are exposed for consumption by the client.
A: What exactly is a contract in terms of webservice ?
A: Its is a document to describe how to invoke a web service , what are the inputs and the output formats applicable and also if a client is registered to use this service(public or private)
Q: What are the types Webservice implementations available in java?
A: CORBA, Restlets etc
Q:What are the various marshalling/ unmarshalling frameworks available in Java?
A: Castor, XMLBeans , JIBX etc
Q: What is an ESB ?
A: An enterprise service bus acts as a interface to many systems which communicate with each other. The systems communicate to the ESB with a message and the ESB will thereafter process the message (forward it to the correct service provider, wait for the reply , send the reply back to the client).